Donate/Shop/Make Payment
Welcome to the online shopping, payment, and donation page of!
We are excited to bring you an alternative solution to bringing in or mailing cash or check to the Music Department.
Now, you can make secure payments over the internet, via PayPal. No account is required to pay via credit card.
Thank you for supporting NAHS Music.
NAHS Music ELECTRONIC Payment Form
Use the above ELECTRONIC Payment Form to pay for lessons, competition fees, trips, etc.
*If you prefer to pay by check or cash, please send the payment with a note - do not use the above form.
All checks should be made payable to NAHS FOM.
Amazon Smile is a program through that donates a percentage of items
sold through this link back to our program. When shopping on AMAZON, please use this link
and shop as you normally would and help give back to our music department!
NAHS Music Apparel Shop
The Music Apparel Shop is currently open! Click here to shop from a variety of NAHS Music gear shipped right to your door!
Annually around the holidays, NAHS Music students go door-to-door throughout North Attleboro to sell poinsettias.
These beautiful poinsettias are also available for purchase online.
All proceeds benefit the NAHS music department.
NAHS Music holds an annual leaf raking fundraiser in early to mid November.
Please contact us to sign up, or to find out more.