Concert Choir

Welcome to Concert Chorus!

Concert Chorus Expectations

 Sectionals, Sightreading assignments, Masterclasses, and Concerts/performances are a mandatory part of this course—often outside of school hours.



Concert Choir Assessment


            A schedule will be given out at the beginning of the school year. You must attend all events/concerts. 

Failure to do so will result in a 15% quarter grade deduction per event/concert.


Assignments – 

Sightreadingfactory assignments must be done on time. Be a responsible student, or it’ll cost you 10% per day (including non-school days). If you are unable to access a cell phone or computer at home, one is available in the school practice rooms.

Rehearsal Preparedness - 

            Come to class with a clean chorus binder and a pencil.

Professional singers are constantly listening, writing, following along, and singing.

Your music should have a LOT of pencil marks!

If you’re sick, you need a water bottle.

Masterclasses - Lessons with Professor Chelsea Basler