Marching Band

Marching Band Registration Page

2022- 2023 Marching Band Music

2022-2023 Marching Band Order Form

The NAHS Marching Band is the most visual group at NAHS, made up of students from students in grades 8-12. The group is a voluntary ensemble and all students are encouraged to join. The Marching Band performs at all home football games, as well as other sporting and special events, including town parades and school rallies.

The group holds an annual one-week band camp during the final two weeks of August. This camp allows students to physically prepare for the upcoming season and learn the year’s field show, while also forming friendships and becoming part of a tight-knit family. Rehearsals continue with weekly rehearsals developing sound production, marching technique, warm-up procedure, and drill exercises throughout the school year.

To inquire about a marching band performance, please contact us. For information about performances please see the Upcoming Events or Calendar page.

Click here to access this year's Marching Band files.

Every student in Marching Band must fill out the Head Injury/ Concussion Form(s) when registering for the ensemble on